Tuesday, August 21, 2012

2003 Chevy Impala (Chris)

We have put brakes in Chris's Impala a couple of times and last time we put new rotors in the front.  I guess that was a couple summers ago.  He had bought the cheaper pads, apparently, and when he had to have a wheel bearing changed out, the guy told him he needed brakes bad, and he was right.  He brought it down here and we took them apart.  Naturally my 15mm socket broke.  It was a Snap-On too!  Went into town and I bought 2 more and a box end-knucklebuster wrench, too.  Back to the job and everything went well after that.  We had it done in no time at all.  The old pads were razor blade thin so we caught it just in time.  The new ones worked just great and we took an extended test drive, looking for Mike both at the school and at his usual bar-haunts.  Never found him and never got a call back for breakfast either after we gave up.  But the job went well.

Black & Decker Hedge Trimmer

It has a $7 price tag on it so it is a "germ" trimmer, but it works every couple of years when the front hedge needs a manicure.  Trotted it out, lubed the  blades, stretched out the long cords and Cathy went to work and did a nice job, but not without a cost. She whipped up a branch into her eye and spent a couple of miserable days before it started feeling better.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Black & Decker Air Station

This was left by Jim Abbey, and it has worked many a year, pumping up flat car tires, bike tires, wheelbarrow tire, etc.  Used it all summer...230SL tires, 7 different bikes. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

4 H.P. Briggs-Stratton Lawn Mower

Belonged to Jim Abbey and is pretty old.  2-cycle, 50-1 mixture.  It's been in the garage for 5 years because we've had Marvin mow for us, but the bottom and by the firepit grow faster and I decided to mow it and let the rest catch up. Ran great.

Monday, August 13, 2012

2006 Toyota Corolla (Sara)

This car had the slave cylinder of the hydraulic clutch system go out and Sara had it fixed at North Side Auto in Watertown, WI. She drove it and it conked out on her again, the clutch operating very close to the floor when you're moving, and not disengaging so you can't shift from neutral to anything while the engine is running.
I started it in 1st gear and drove it carefully from Edgerton to Watertown, timing the intersections and lights so I wouldn't have to go to neutral.  I was able to drive right through Watertown this way and right through a mile of road construction at the north end of town, without stopping.  I could have restarted, I am sure, but at a hassle to the other drivers around me.  I fortuitously found North Side Auto and coasted to a stop right by their bay door.  It was a Friday and the shop was closed, but we left her there and Sara came and picked me up. It was an appointment at the hospital there for Aaron to have his dressing changed on his leg anyway so everything worked out very well.